Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I always end up,sad wit this end-up thing.

Every little end,even when am thinking it a bit makes me insane.

Actually I do not like something vanishing.

Kayaknya bener apa yang kita khawatirkan itu lebih menyakitkan daripada realitanya.

Kita mungkin tidak sedang berjalan diatas awan,kita tidak terbang,dan pastinya jalan tidak terlalu mulus.

Ada kerikil

Mending kerikil, back off.

Ada lubang.Yang besar bila kita meleng sedikit tidak melihat lurus ke depan kita pun jatuh kedalamnya.

But everything what made us alive is there’s always anything to catch us.

Or at least we’re hangin up on it.

Sesekali memang bosan untuk berjalan lurus ke depan.

Meskipun ini ga berlaku buat kepiting,tapi memang ada benarnya kita ada kalanya ingin berbelok kekiri,belok kekanan,mundur sedikit bila ada yang memamggil,mungkin melihat kebawah untuk berhati-hati,melihat keatas untuk memperkirakan cuaca.

Well that’s life.

We’re not statically in a one place anytime.

Our steps was shaping our life.

Dari seribu langkah yang kita pilih,kemana kita akan melanjutkannya bila ada di persimpangan jalan,terkadang kita berlari terlalu jauh dan ketika tersadar kita tidak tahu berada dimana.

So once u ever realize that u got lost,stop your step.breath in.out.

Maybe this is your time to read a map.

Or play your compass to know the next direction..

And maybe u can just sit on and have a cup of tea.relax.

I swear I never want to lose any people.again.

I’m barely cant have a proper goodbye to somebody I love the most.

But the checkpoint is when u love someone,enjoy the fact that he/she/it/they cant always be there.

Because somehow somewhere there’s a place that anyone couldn’t reach to sweep them away.

It’s your heart.

Semuanya begitu tragis ketika kita berhadapan dengan diri sendiri,memang.

Cuma kita yang paling mengerti keadaan diri kita.

Tapi percaya saja,manusia untuk sekian kalinya hanyalah manusia.

Cynical thoughts always feed us and apply in our life daily.

They’re hideously hideous.

Because we know ‘THIS’ is temporary

And we need distraction so we’re not too mess up with the emptiness,

The sense of temporary.

We are afraid.

And exactly we do not have any idea.

So why is it so hard to let go all that shits away?

In fact,no matter how hideous we fall

That’s Him whose gonna catch us.



the only that make me cheer up when I lost it--my weights.

Oia gw ga kehilangan apa-apa.this is always happen when my serials end their seasons.

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